Keep Your Via Benefits Profile Current

Equip Yourself with Important Information About Plan Options

Creating a Via Benefits Profile and keeping your personal information current and accurate saves time and helps you make informed decisions — and possibly save money. Your online Profile is the central and secure location for information our benefit advisors use to help you during a call. If your online Profile is current, you don’t have to call us to make updates.

The information in your Profile powers your Coverage Checkup, providing you with the most current recommendations during Open Enrollment. You decide which plan suits your specific health and financial needs and preferences. Visit and take a few moments to sign up, or sign in to review your personal Profile and preferences. 

The following information provides tips and the advantages of taking the time to review, confirm, and update your personal information.


Health Care Providers

This section allows you to enter your health care providers, including the physicians or hospitals you currently use. You can then see if they are in the network if you are choosing new coverage.


Online Location for Updates 

You have the ability to add or update your information at any time at After you sign in, you’ll see your Home page. Next, select the Go to Profile button in the Profile section. You can then use the Personal Information and Health Information tabs to review and update related details. Select the icon for any family member to view and update their information.


Contact Information

Your physical location/address determines the plans available to you based on your ZIP code — this is also where we send your paper mailings. Your correct and most current address, ZIP code, email address, and phone number can also help reduce time during calls with our representatives.


Prescription Information 

Having your current and preferred prescription information in your Profile helps you compare Prescription Drug Plans and see the estimated out-of-pocket cost of those drugs for the plans that cover your prescriptions at your pharmacy. Be sure to include all the prescription drugs you’re taking by name, as well as dosage and frequency, and which pharmacies you’re using in your online Profile.


Simplified Coverage Evaluation and Enrollment Through Via Benefits