Let’s Celebrate Your Health

Whether you dance, walk, or do yoga, getting — and staying — healthy can be fun

The health and fitness of older Americans is vital. Check with your local senior center, health club, recreation center, or health department to find organized activities near you. Or take the initiative to create a day of health and fitness on your own.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Dance, dance, dance! Put on your favorite tunes, call your friends and boogie away, bop to your beat, and dance like no one's watching.

  • Take a walk. Preferably outside, in the beauty of nature. Breathe deep!

  • Dig in the dirt. In most of the country, the growing season is under way. Gardening is great exercise with tangible rewards. Plant some vegetables or flowers, or just stroll through a public garden to see what's up — or in bloom.

  • Try a fitness class. Explore yoga or tai chi.

  • Don't forget your brain. Line up a game of bridge, play a board game, or puzzle with a buddy.

  • Have fun. Call a friend, make a date, be thankful for your health, and celebrate!


Get a Move On Your Health


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