The Next Read

Four Book Recommendations

Who doesn’t love getting a tip on a fantastic read or audiobook? Here are four books to check out.

Beyond Belief, John Koethe

Enjoy thought-provoking poetry that lingers in your mind long after you put the book down? Beyond Belief tackles the question we all ask: “What is life?” Written in plain-spoken language, this collection delves deep into the heart of who we are — and why we share similar feelings.


Redhead by the Side of the Road, Anne Tyler

A teenager shows up at the front door of Micah Mortimer, claiming to be his son and throwing Micah’s life into disarray. A heartfelt, funny tale from from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author is sure to please.


Slouching Towards Bethlehem, Joan Didion

Casting a keen eye on her subject matter — actors, millionaires, doomed brides, and Hawaiian aristocracy — Joan Didion chronicles her experiences in California during the 1960s.


Eager — The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter, Ben Goldfarb

Did you know beavers have a second set of fur-lined lips that close behind their teeth? This allows them to chew and drag wood while underwater and not drown. Goldfarb takes the reader on a fascinating journey of why and how beavers have shaped our country.


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