Make Happiness a Habit

Five Ways To Improve Your Well-Being

How often have you heard, “Don’t worry, be happy”? Easier said than done, right? So how do you stop worrying and be happy?

First, it’s important to understand that happiness means different things to different people. Still, there are ways to improve your positivity and well-being, which is the foundation of happiness. Here are five tips that can help boost your mood.

1. Start moving and grooving.

Exercise is a great way to reduce symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety, all while increasing your well-being. There’s no need to go overboard to enjoy the beneficial effects of exercise. You can keep it simple by going for a walk after dinner, spending 10 minutes stretching in the morning, or putting on your favorite music and dancing around the house. No matter what form of exercise you choose, have fun!

2. Sleep well.

Getting enough sleep is vital to good health, brain function, and emotional well-being. A structured sleep routine can help. Try to:

  • Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends.

  • Avoid eating and drinking an hour before going to sleep.

  • Turn off screens (TVs, computers, and phones) an hour before going to sleep.

  • Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool.

  • Limit napping to no more than 20 minutes.

A good night’s rest does wonders for your mental and physical health.

3. Turn that frown upside down.

Research has shown that your emotions can be influenced by feedback of facial movements — or put more simply, smiling can make you feel happy. That’s because smiling causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes us happy.

 4. Give thanks for all you have — and to those around you.

Take a few moments every day to think about what you’re grateful for, whether they’re little things like a sunny day or big things like seeing your children or grandchildren. And show those around you kindness, even if it is as simple as offering a compliment. Being positive fuels feelings of hope and happiness, which is what you need for a positive outlook on life.

 5. Unplug, unwind, and recharge.

It’s important to take a step back from it all from time to time and focus on yourself. Turn off your phone and take a stroll in nature, meet up with friends for a coffee or lunch, or enjoy a trip to the spa. Just make sure to give yourself a break. You’ll be thankful you did!

We can’t be happy every moment of the day. But by incorporating small changes into your life, you can improve your positivity and well-being. And before long, you’ll notice that happiness is a habit — one you won’t want to break.


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